Product Portfolio Management & Technical Paperwork
Understanding local and industry regulations means the Cornelius product portfolio remains compliant and offers continuity of supply to our business partners. We manage a range of quality, safety and legal information and are dedicated to providing you with the data that you require to ensure consistent and compliant supply.
Quality Assurance & Supplier Life Cycle Management
We monitor our systems to maintain our accreditation to ISO 9000 and ESAD and ensure that all Cornelius supply chain partners share our values and commitments to ongoing continuous improvement.
View our ISO 9001:2015 Accreditation Certificate
View our ISO 14001 Accreditation Certificate
View our ISO 45001 Accreditation Certificate
Regulatory Compliance & Advice
We understand the legislative duties of a responsible manufacturer and distributor. Our customers can be certain that their questions will be answered quickly and accurately.
View our Group Quality Policy
At Cornelius, we believe in delivering the difference for our customers and key stakeholders. With BREXIT looming, we understand there is a lot of confusion around what will happen with the current REACH system. Endeavouring to make the complex simple, please download our pocket guide to UK REACH here: